
Unlocking Social Media Engagement: Through Emotion and Relevancy

12 August 2023 — Gweirydd Ioan

social media engagement in a city


In the modern digital age, there’s a constant bombardment of content, from the flashing ads on a website to the numerous posts on social media platforms. Amidst this information overload, what makes a tweet, a Facebook post, or an Instagram story stand out The key lies in tapping into the human psyche: our emotions and our desire for relevant content. Although we don’t always recognise it, these components are more often than not are linked with social media engagement.



The Psychology Behind Social Media Engagement

At the heart of our digital age, a fundamental truth remains consistent: our engagement with technology is a reflection of our intrinsic human behaviours and desires. Social media, in particular, has become a playground where age-old psychological impulses play out in modern contexts. Understanding these impulses can offer profound insights into user engagement and can also inform how we create content that truly resonates.


The Innate Desire for Connection

From the earliest days of human evolution, we’ve been hardwired to seek out connections with others. Tribes, communities, families—these social structures provided not just survival benefits, but also a sense of identity and purpose. Today, even with all our technological advancements, that basic yearning remains unchanged. The mediums might have evolved from campfires to digital screens, but the stories, interactions, and validations we seek have remained constant.

In the realm of social media, every post, tweet, or story becomes an extension of this ancient need. When someone shares a personal anecdote, a milestone, or even a simple photograph, they are reaching out for connection. The likes, comments, and shares they receive in response serve as validations, reinforcing their sense of belonging within a digital community.

Moreover, the content that garners the most engagement often has universal themes—love, loss, joy, challenges—themes that many can relate to on a deeply personal level. This familiarity evokes a sense of shared experience, making users more likely to engage with the content. For instance, think of the popularity of memes. Their widespread appeal lies in their relatability, where diverse audiences find common ground in shared humour or sentiment.


The Rush of Instant Gratification

With the rise of the digital age, the pace of life has accelerated. We live in a world of now, where waiting has become an antiquated concept. This cultural shift towards immediacy is prominently reflected in our social media behaviours.

The design of social media platforms taps directly into this desire for immediate rewards. A ‘like’ on Instagram, a ‘retweet’ on Twitter, or a ‘comment’ on Facebook—each of these interactions provides users with an immediate sense of validation. This immediate feedback loop releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, in our brains. The result? A reinforcing cycle where posting content leads to instant gratification, which in turn encourages further posting and engagement.

But the intensity of this dopamine hit isn’t uniform. Content that evokes strong emotional reactions, be it joy, nostalgia, surprise, or even anger, tends to generate faster and more pronounced responses. Emotionally charged content resonates because it feels more authentic and human, making users more inclined to engage with it. For example, heart-warming videos of reunions or inspirational stories of triumph against adversity often see higher shares and comments because they tug at our emotional core, offering immediate emotional gratification.



Emotion: The Heart of Social Media Engagement

The digital world is saturated with content; every day, millions of posts flood our feeds. Amid this avalanche of information, what prompts a user to pause, engage, or even share a piece of content? The answer, often, is emotion. Emotions, with their intrinsic potency, can make the difference between content that merely exists and content that truly resonates. Let’s delve deeper into how specific emotions serve as powerful catalysts for engagement.


Joy and Happiness: The Viral Element

There’s an undeniable allure to content that uplifts. In a world where negative news often takes precedence, content that sparks joy becomes a breath of fresh air. Such content can range from heart-warming stories of unexpected reunions, inspiring tales of human kindness, to amusing pet videos or innovative challenges. Why does joyful content have such virality?

The science behind this is rooted in positive psychology. Experiencing joy triggers the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with pleasure and mood regulation. When users come across content that uplifts them, sharing it becomes an extension of their joy, a way to amplify that positive feeling and sprinkle a bit of happiness in someone else’s feed. This contagion of positivity increases the likelihood of shares, making joy-infused content a digital powerhouse.


Sadness and Empathy: The Bond of Shared Experience

While joy has its undeniable charm, content that evokes sadness or fosters empathy has its unique niche. Think of tear-jerking advertisements, personal stories of loss, or narratives highlighting societal issues. Why would users engage with content that isn’t necessarily ‘happy’?

Content that evokes sadness often acts as a mirror to shared human experiences. It appeals to our innate sense of empathy and solidarity. When a user sees content that mirrors their struggles or the struggles of those around them, it creates a sense of validation and understanding. The digital space suddenly becomes a communal space for shared grief or empathy, making users more likely to comment, share, and discuss, thereby fostering deeper connections.


Fear and Surprise: Breaking the Digital Monotony

In the constant stream of content, anything that disrupts the usual flow captures attention. This is where content that evokes fear or surprise comes in. A shocking news headline, an unexpected twist in a video, or even content highlighting unknown facts – they all jolt users out of passive scrolling.

The psychological underpinning here is the ‘fight or flight’ response. Fear or surprise puts users on alert, making them more attentive. When content successfully elicits such a response, users are more likely to engage with it, driven by a combination of heightened curiosity and the desire to share their surprise with others.


Anticipation: The Hook of ‘What’s Next?’

The emotion of anticipation is an age-old tool, from the cliff-hangers in Dickensian serials to the teaser trailers of modern cinema. In the digital realm, anticipation translates to serialised posts, teaser campaigns, or episodic content. But why is the sense of ‘what’s next?’ so compelling?

Anticipation is intertwined with our brain’s reward system. The thrill of the unknown or the promise of a forthcoming reward keeps users engaged, making them return for more. Moreover, content that successfully builds anticipation creates a shared community of eager followers, all waiting for the next instalment, thereby boosting repeated engagement.

Emotion, in all its varied shades, remains a formidable force in the digital space. As content creators, understanding the nuances of emotional engagement isn’t just beneficial—it’s imperative. For it’s not just about creating content; it’s about forging connections, sparking discussions, and, most importantly, touching hearts.

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of social media engagement, it’s essential to remember that beneath the digital veneer lie basic human desires and behaviours that have been shaped over millennia. By recognising and tapping into these psychological underpinnings, we can craft content that not only garners likes and shares but also fosters genuine human connections in an increasingly digital world. Whether you’re a brand, content creator, or an everyday user, understanding the psychology behind social media engagement can lead to more meaningful and impactful digital interactions.



Relevancy: Tailoring the Content for Optimal Impact

In today’s information-saturated digital world, users are often drowning in a sea of content. For brands and individuals looking to stand out and truly engage their audience, relevancy is not just key; it’s imperative. Crafting content that resonates on a personal, cultural, or specialised level can spell the difference between being just another post in a feed and being the post that captivates and holds attention. Let’s unpack the various dimensions of relevancy.


Personalisation: Making it About the User

The era of one-sise-fits-all content is long gone. Enter the age of personalisation. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and sophisticated data analytics, platforms and creators now have the ability to understand user preferences like never before. Every like, share, comment, or even the duration of viewing a video, offers insights into user behaviour.

Why is personalisation so effective? Because it taps into the fundamental human desire to be seen and understood. When a user’s feed displays content tailored to their interests, it creates a sense of familiarity and validation. Whether it’s a recommended video on YouTube, a suggested product on Instagram, or a tailored news feed on Twitter, personalisation amplifies the chances of a user pausing and engaging. Furthermore, it enhances the user’s overall experience on a platform, increasing not just engagement for a single post but potentially for multiple tailored suggestions.


Cultural and Trend Relevance: Finger on the Pulse

The digital realm is dynamic, with trends, conversations, and cultural moments evolving rapidly. Brands or individuals that manage to tap into these shifts can position themselves at the forefront of user attention. Whether it’s a meme related to a recent event, a post supporting a social cause, or content around a global sporting event, cultural relevancy can skyrocket engagement rates.

But why? Because it showcases adaptability. When a brand or creator reflects the ongoing conversations in their content, it resonates as authentic. It signals that they are not isolated entities but are “in the know,” actively participating in and contributing to the broader cultural conversation. This not only boosts immediate engagement but also fosters trust and loyalty among users in the long run.


Niche Content: The Power of Specialized Communities

While the allure of mass appeal is undeniable, there’s a growing recognition of the value of niche content. In an ocean of generic content, specialised content can be a beacon for specific communities. From content tailored for plant enthusiasts, to channels dedicated to vintage car restoration, or platforms catering to indie music lovers – niche content has its unique charm.

The strength of niche content lies in its ability to foster deep connections. Catering to specific interests or passions can lead to the formation of dedicated communities where users don’t just passively consume content; they actively discuss, share, and collaborate. This depth of engagement is often more valuable than broad but shallow interactions. Additionally, niche communities often have a sense of shared identity, leading to increased trust and more meaningful interactions.

Relevancy, in its various forms, is a formidable tool in the arsenal of digital content creation. In a space defined by fleeting attention spans, crafting content that is personalised, culturally attuned, and niche-focused can transform passive viewers into active, engaged, and loyal communities. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, understanding and harnessing the power of relevancy will be paramount for sustained engagement and impact.



Bridging Emotion and Relevancy: Crafting Magnetic Content

In the realm of digital content, standing out is both an art and a science. While emotion tugs at the heartstrings and relevancy speaks to the intellect, blending the two can create a harmonious symphony of engagement. It’s not just about producing content; it’s about producing content that resonates deeply and is attuned to the audience’s pulse. Let’s explore some strategies to harmonise emotion with relevancy.


Storytelling: The Age-Old Engager

Since the dawn of time, humans have been drawn to stories. From ancient cave paintings to modern-day Netflix series, narratives have always had a unique pull. In the digital space, storytelling takes on renewed significance.

By skilfully intertwining emotional arcs with relevant content, digital storytellers can craft an immersive experience. Consider, for instance, a brand sharing a customer testimonial. Instead of a straightforward review, imagine a narrative detailing the customer’s journey, their challenges, the highs and lows, and finally, how the product or service transformed their life. This story, rooted in emotion yet highlighting the product’s relevance, is infinitely more engaging.

Furthermore, stories rooted in current events or cultural moments can create waves. A narrative about a community coming together during a crisis, or an individual overcoming odds in a changing world, not only evokes emotions but also ties in the contemporary relevance, making users more likely to engage, share, and remember.


Visuals and Multimedia: The Instant Connectors

We live in an age of visual dominance. Images, videos, GIFs, infographics – the digital space is bursting with visual stimuli. But what makes certain visuals stand out?

The secret lies in the union of emotion and relevancy. A photograph capturing a poignant moment in a recent event, an infographic breaking down a trending topic, or a video tutorial addressing a common challenge – these are all instances where emotion and relevancy converge. The emotional component evokes a visceral reaction, while the relevancy ensures the content aligns with the viewer’s interests or needs.

For brands and content creators, this means meticulous selection or creation of visuals. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about the story the visual tells, the emotion it invokes, and its alignment with current trends, needs, or conversations.


Interactive Content: The Two-Way Engagement Street

The beauty of digital content lies in its potential for interactivity. Unlike traditional media, digital platforms allow users to be active participants, blurring the line between creators and consumers.

Interactive content like polls, quizzes, or challenges takes this a step further. Consider a brand launching a new product. Instead of a standard announcement, imagine an interactive quiz titled “Which product feature suits you best?” or a challenge encouraging users to guess the product’s benefits. Not only does this make the content relevant to the individual user, but the interactive nature evokes emotions – curiosity, excitement, surprise.

Moreover, such content creates a feedback loop. Users feel heard, valued, and are more likely to invest emotionally in the content. Plus, by tying in trending topics or user preferences, the content remains relevant, ensuring sustained engagement.

Bridging emotion and relevancy isn’t just a strategy; it’s the cornerstone of impactful digital content. As platforms evolve and user preferences shift, this harmonious blend will remain a constant north star for creators and brands aiming to truly connect, engage, and inspire. By focusing on storytelling, leveraging powerful visuals, and championing interactivity, content can transcend the digital noise, creating meaningful, memorable, and magnetic digital experiences.



Case Study: The Genius Behind Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” Campaign

The power of personalisation and emotion in marketing is evident in countless successful campaigns, but few have resonated as deeply and globally as Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” initiative. What started as a relatively straightforward idea transformed into a marketing juggernaut, revealing key insights about consumer behaviour and the potential of blending personal relevance with emotional appeal.


The Genesis of the Idea

At its heart, the “Share a Coke” campaign was rooted in a simple concept: personalisation. Coca-Cola recognised the universal appeal of seeing one’s name printed and showcased. This wasn’t about a celebrity endorsement or a flashy advertisement; it was about every individual – from an Alice to a Zachary. By replacing the iconic logo with popular names, Coca-Cola effectively turned its billions of drink consumers into potential brand ambassadors.


Emotion in Every Sip

It wasn’t just about names; it was about the emotions those names evoked. Finding one’s name on a bottle could spark a moment of excitement and surprise. Even more, sharing that bottle – either physically or digitally – with a friend, family member, or loved one became an act of affection, celebration, or camaraderie.

Imagine walking into a store on your friend’s birthday, spotting their name on a Coke bottle, and purchasing it as an impromptu gift. Or consider the countless social media posts of friends tagging each other when they found a bottle bearing a name that held significance for them. The beverage was no longer just a thirst quencher; it became a conduit of connection, a bottled embodiment of memories and relationships.


A Viral Sensation

The true genius of the “Share a Coke” campaign lay in its organic virality. Consumers weren’t just passive recipients of the marketing message; they were active participants. Social media platforms were inundated with photos, videos, and stories of individuals showcasing their personalised Coke bottles. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook feeds were abuzz with user-generated content, turning every shared post into a mini advertisement for the brand.


This viral nature was two-fold:

Relevancy: The campaign was intrinsically personalised. Every consumer had the potential to see their name, making each bottle personally relevant and increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Emotion: The act of sharing – both the beverage and the experience online – evoked a range of emotions, from joy and nostalgia to love and friendship. This emotional connection amplified the campaign’s resonance.


Lessons from the Campaign

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign is a testament to the profound impact of intertwining personal relevancy with emotion in marketing. Key takeaways include:

Simplicity Works: Sometimes, the most effective campaigns are not the most elaborate but the most relatable.

User-Generated Content is Powerful: By turning consumers into creators, brands can tap into authentic, organic, and expansive promotional avenues.

Emotion Drives Engagement: When consumers feel a personal and emotional connection to a campaign, engagement is not just increased; it’s deepened.

The “Share a Coke” campaign is a masterclass in modern marketing. By tapping into the universal desires for personal relevance and emotional connection, Coca-Cola transformed its iconic beverage into a global phenomenon, proving that in the digital age, the most powerful marketing tool might just be the human heart.



Conclusion: Navigating Social Media Engagement with Emotion and Relevancy

As we stand on the precipice of digital innovation, with AI-driven algorithms and ever-changing platform dynamics, it can be easy to become lost in the technicalities. Yet, it’s vital to remember that behind every click, share, and like, there’s a human being. It’s the human heart and mind that we, as brands and individuals, seek to engage, inspire, and connect with.


Human Connection: The Undying Essence of Social Media

From its inception, the essence of social media has always been about fostering connections. Beyond the pixels and data points, it’s the stories we share, the memories we create, and the conversations we initiate that give social platforms their heartbeat. No algorithm can replace the thrill of reconnecting with an old friend, the joy of sharing a personal achievement, or the comfort of finding a community that understands and resonates with your passions and challenges.


The Power of Emotion and Relevancy

Understanding this human-centric nature of social media underscores the importance of emotion and relevancy in our digital strategies. While emotion taps into the innate human desire to feel and experience, relevancy ensures that the content we produce aligns with the current needs, interests, and conversations of our audience.

Emotion as the Catalyst: It’s the posts that make us laugh, cry, ponder, or reminisce that stay with us. They transcend beyond the screen, triggering discussions at dinner tables, influencing decisions, or simply warming our hearts on a tough day. In a landscape dominated by fleeting content, emotional depth ensures longevity.

Relevancy as the Compass: In the vast ocean of content, relevancy acts as a guiding compass, ensuring that our messages reach the right shores. It’s what ensures our content doesn’t just add to the noise but breaks through it, reaching those eagerly waiting to consume, share, or act upon it.


The Beacon in the Digital Sea

In conclusion, as the digital realm expands and morphs, it’s easy to be swept away by the currents of trends and the whirlpools of algorithms behind social media engagement. However, brands and individuals who anchor their strategies in the timeless principles of human emotion and relevancy will always find their beacon. They will not only navigate but also chart new territories, creating ripples and waves that leave an indelible mark.

So, as we venture forth in our digital journeys, let’s remember: It’s not the loudest posts that make an impact; it’s the ones that touch the soul and resonate with the moment. Emotion and relevancy are not just tools; they are the very essence of meaningful social media engagement.


By Gweirydd Ioan Davies
If you haven’t already connect with me on Linkedin here